What is a Terrarium Scene?

It is a decorative, mini garden scene with faux water, with its own enclosed eco-system, contained in a clear glass container. They are mostly self-sustaining, with the plants watering themselves through transpiration and condensation.

What does terrarium mean?

The word comes from the Latin terra (“earth”) +‎ arium (a place or receptacle). Like an aquarium, only plants and earth instead of fish and water.

Terrariums make beautiful, interesting contemporary Living Art plant gifts, for decorating the home or office. The perfect gift option for both men and women as an office desktop companion.

At Blossom Indulgence our Terrariums are carefully created using layers of varying materials to ensure great moisture and air circulation as to keep them light and airy.

They are low to maintenance-free, requiring minimal water spraying to keep them moist but not wet!

Here are a few care tips to help preserve your Terrarium to ensure your glass-garden stays successful and healthy.

These tips are general for preserving an open terrarium and will be affected by the surrounding temperatures and light levels.

• Keep your open terrarium in a bright spot with filtered / indirect light
• As a guide, you may need to spray with water every 2 days in summer and every 5 days in winter
• Never let your terrarium totally dry out
• Wipe as you spray – it saves on cleaning. But if you do get watermarks, try a tiny bit of vinegar on a clean cloth
• Find the balance in keeping your terrarium moist but not wet
• Keep a spray bottle within reach of the terrarium so watering is easy
• Do not fertilize. Fertilizers make plants grow – you want yours to stay little!

Preserving a Closed Terrarium is slightly different

• The plants in a closed terrarium require high light but no direct sunlight.
• Check the terrarium frequently for the appearance of condensation on the glass. If large water drops appear on the glass, the container should be left open for a while, until excess moisture evaporates. It may be necessary to keep the lid slightly open to allow fresh air circulation.
• However, a balanced terrarium should have a certain amount of moisture on the glass.
• A completely enclosed terrarium requires little or no watering but when in doubt, always waterless. If you can see water within the pebbles at the bottom, there is way too much water.
• Be careful that the plants do not become too dry because they will wilt.

Your terrarium is your own special little garden in a glass.

Spend time getting to know your terrarium.

Observe how quickly it dries out and how it responds to water.

Most importantly have fun!