We are loving this new emerging trend that once again is becoming popular - that is growing indoor plants in clear glass containers in water only.

Traditionally, back in the day, this was how gifted plant cuttings were propagated, to encourage root growth before planting out into the garden.

This new trend is a beautiful, easy, and a uniquely stylish way to introduce greenery into your living space.

Growing plants in water has great advantages too.

• It is soil-free and low maintenance and less stress.
• No need to re-pot!
• You no longer need to worry about your cat scratching up the soil in your houseplants.
• Nor do you need to worry about under or over watering as with pot plants.

The water only needs to be replaced every now and then (rather than weekly watering) and by eliminating soil, your plants are less likely to contract pests or diseases. Furthermore, this dirt-free method of growing plants can be more allergy-friendly.

Where is the best position for your water garden?

Find a perfect position for your water garden in your home with bright, indirect light.
Try to find a spot that is slightly warm where the temperature does not change too often, avoid areas next to aircon or heaters.

Depending on the plant species, a windowsill that gets some early morning sunshine only will be perfect too.

What Plants grow well in glass containers?

At Blossom Indulgence, we have trialled a few plants and have found that the following plants,

English Ivy, Aloe vera, Jade plant (Crassula ovata), Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema), Peace lily (Spathiphyllum), and Lucky Bamboo,(Dracaena sanderiana)

will all grow in water only very successfully.

Our favourite and recommended plant that we love for its glossy green, heart-shaped leaves that exudes love!!

Is the Pothos Plant (Epipremnum aureum), also called golden pothos, money plant, but aptly called devil’s ivy because it is almost impossible to kill.

Now here is a little greenery that is near invincible. Drown the roots in water, never change it forever and it will live, with green leaves spilling over the side of your glass jar.

On-trend Glass containers

Containers are mostly chosen to fit in with your living space decor style.

Glass bottles and vases in all shapes and sizes, from rare vintage bottles to modern are trendy test tubes. They can be free-standing or hanging in wooden stands and frames. Round Fishbowls, in all sizes, hanging in macramé.

Our newest trendy water gardens are now available, they are beautifully presented, making them the perfect long-lasting gift for any occasion.

Perfect for gifting on Mother’s Day Father's Day or any other Special Day!

Take a look at our Living Art selection, for that perfect gift for a passionate Garden lover! 
